Donations are LOVE CURRENCY  


We are grateful for the love currency ($) which enables us to provide our service to Christian Scientists in New Jersey.

We have been greatly blessed in the past by bequests from thankful Christian Scientists in both large and small ways.

You may also want to consider remembering the Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service of New Jersey, Inc. in your will.

Every gift makes a difference, and is received with heartfelt gratitude! We invite you to consider Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service of New Jersey in your charitable giving.

Remembering Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service of New Jersey
- In your will or living trust.
- Gifts in memory of family or friends endowment or capital gifts.
- Transferring appreciated assets and securities to matching gifts from your employer.

Questions? Please contact the Treasurer, Frances Hall.
Click here to email Frances Hall.

If you would like to join with us in supporting your fellow Christian Scientists in meeting their Christian Science nursing needs in the home, please:

Donate using a credit card:



Donate by sending a check to:

Please include your:

  • mailing address

  • email

  • phone

Visiting Christian Science
  Nursing Service of New Jersey
Malissa Cass
826 Summit Avenue
Westfield, NJ 07090
United States

Thank you for your wonderful metaphysical and financial support of the Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service of New Jersey.